
  Arce-Rodríguez, A., Puente-Sánchez, F., Avendaño, R., Libby, E., Mora-Amador, R., Rojas-Jiménez, K., Martínez, M., P. Dorrestein & Chavarría, M. (2020). Microbial Community Structure Along a Horizontal Oxygen Gradient in a Costa Rican Volcanic Influenced Acid Rock Drainage... [ Leer más..]


Araya-Valverde, E., Bogantes, A., Holst, A., Vargas-Mora, C., Gómez-Alpízar, L., Brenes, A., Sánchez-Barrantes, E., Chavarría, M., & Barboza-Barquero, L. (2019). Field performance of hermaphrodite papaya plants obtained through molecular selection and micropropagation. Crop Breeding and... [ Leer más..]


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Publicaciones 2018 Chavarría M. y de Lorenzo V. 2018. The imbroglio of the physiological Cra effector clarified at last. Molecular Microbiology. doi:10.1111/mmi.14080. Chaverri, C. y Cicció, J. F. 2018. Essential oils from Eucalyptus deglupta (Myrtaceae) cultivated in Costa Rica. Am. J. Essent.... [ Leer más..]